Applied Economics (APEC) Student Seminar and Skill Workshop Series

At the University of Minnesota


The Applied Economics Student Seminar Series presents applied economics research hosted by the University of Minnesota. Speakers are primarly current and former students of the graduate program for Applied Economics at Minnesota. Additionally, we feature other students in adjacent department of Economics, Business, Public Health, and Public Policy whose work has an applied focus. As such, it is a forum for early career researchers to get feedback on their work at varying stages. This includes preliminary results to polished job market papers. The APEC Student Seminar Series has a storied tradition within the department dating back to 2019 – providing community and comradery amongst the graduate student body.

How to Participate

The seminar is aimed at graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) in the Applied Economics department at the University of Minnesota. But, we kindly welcome attendance from students and faculty throughout the University in other departments (e.g., Economics, Public Policy, Business, etc.), as well as other visiting scholars and alumni.

Members of the Applied Economics department will recieve notification of upcoming speakers via department announcements. For those outside the department, please follow the latest announcements and news (housed on this website) for information on attendance.

The seminar is speaker slot with a 40 minute presentation, 10 minutes of disscusant commentary and 10 minutes of general Q/A. Questions can be respectfully asked throughout the presentation in a standard economics format. The seminar is offered both in-person and via online (viz., Zoom) attendance. The zoom link is a static url that will be sent out with announcements seperate of the posters. If you would like access to the link and do not receive departmental announcements, please reach out directly to the seminar organizer.

Speaker Schedule

Student Seminars and the Skill Series will occur at 11 AM - 12 PM Central Time on Wednesdays in Ruttan 119 and via Zoom. Please note that due to schedule conflicts by the speakers, some presentions may be slightly before or after this time or in a different room.

For further details on each event, in the ‘Agenda’ view, simply click on the event and a dropdown should appear displaying information on the presenter, the topic, and the zoom link. If you don’t want to miss any of the event, be sure to sync this calendar with your personal google calendar (Click the + Google Calendar at the bottom).

Skill Series

On the off-weeks when the APEC Seminar Series does not have a speaker, the department will be hosting the APEC Skill Series. This is a workshop-style series featuring students, faculty, and staff from the APEC department offering a variety of presentations and demonstrations for to teach and develop technical skills, soft skills, and mathematical/ course-related skills useful for an applied economist. In an effort at accessibility of the content, we provide links to the presentation materials where applicable as well as recordings of the workshop given the presenter’s consent.

Seminar Organizers

The current organizer of the APEC Student Seminar Series and Skills Series is Ryan McWay. Ryan is a 2nd year PhD student in the Applied Economics department. If you have any questions or concerns related to the seminar series, you may create an issue via the Github Issues page or contact Ryan directly.

The following is a list of the previous organizers of the APEC Seminar Series.

Organizers Sessions
Carmen Raquel Rosario Armas Montalvo 2024 – Present
Ryan McWay 2023 – 2025
Yanxu Long 2023
Matthew Bombyk 2022 – 2023
Chris Boyd 2021 – 2022
Natalia Ordaz Reynoso 2019 – 2021

Contact Information

The seminar is hosted in room 119 in Ruttan Hall on the Saint Paul campus. Details on the seminar can be directed towards the seminar organizer, Ryan McWay, via email.

We would like to acknowledge the gratious support of funding through the Applied Economics department for making this seminar posssible. And to the Applied Economics department for hosting the seminar space.


The seminar series and skills workshop series has been funded in previous semesters by the University of Minnesota’s CFANS GSB Community Events and Projects Grant.